Connectivity and Automated Driving

Working Group on Connectivity and Automated Driving.

Established firstly as a Task Force in 2014, the Working Group on Connectivity and Automated Driving has become a permanent working group of ERTRAC.

Its main task is to monitor and update the European Roadmap on Automated Driving (last version published in 2022). The ambition of this roadmap is to be a reference document in Europe for Automated Driving: providing a single vision from the industry and research community about how AD systems will be developed and deployed, and which are the research and innovation challenges to be tackled. It includes definitions, deployment paths, and research priorities. It also includes information on national initiatives within the EU, as well as across the world.

The roadmap is widely distributed at ERTRAC’s own events, at the TRA Conference, at the European CAD Conference, and at ITS World and European Congresses.

The CAD Working Group works in close cooperation with the support actions funded by the EU: CARTRE, now followed by ARCADE. The website connectedautomateddriving provides a single information point on EU and national projects on CAD. Workshops are organised jointly by ERTRAC and the ARCADE project.

In 2017, the WG provided input to the new ERTRAC Strategic Research Agenda for Horizon Europe (FP9), delivering the chapter 4 “Connectivity and Automation – an enabler for improved mobility”.

In 2019 was released one update of the roadmap.

In 2020 and 2021, the CAD WG members were involved in the creation of a new European Partnership on CCAM – Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility – established under Horizon Europe. Information on 

Middle of 2021, the WG started an update of its CAD Roadmap, renamed CCAM, and presented to the ITS World Congress in Hamburg in October 2021 a draft version for public consultation.

The final new version of this update CCAM Roadmap is now available and has been presented at the ITS European Congress in Toulouse end of May 2022.

In 2024, an update of the ERTRAC CCAM Roadmap was done: developing further the chapter 2 on Innovation Use Cases. The new chapter, presenting a “Scenario 2030” for CCAM, describes with more precision possible applications in specific domains, looking at: parking / confined areas / highways / urban and peri-urban / rural and secondary road network.


Christian Merkt


Mats Rosenquist

 Volvo Group

Christian Scharnhorst


Manfred Harrer