Other initiatives

Hover your mouse over the four initiatives below to discover more info


This European Technology Platform (ALICE) is set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe.


EPoSS is an industry-driven policy initiative, defining R&D and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration and integrated Micro- and Nanosystems.


ERRAC was set up in 2001 with the ambitious goal of creating a single European body with both the competence and capability to help revitalise the European rail sector and make it more competitive, by fostering increased innovation and guiding research efforts at European level. Within ERRAC, all major rail stakeholders are gathered. ERRAC comprises of 45 representatives from each of the major European rail research stakeholders: manufacturers, operators, infrastructure managers, the European Commission, EU Member States, academics and users’ groups. ERRAC covers all forms of rail transport: from conventional, high speed and freight applications to urban and regional services.

Waterborne TP

The European Technology Platform WATERBORNE is a forum where all stakeholders from the waterborne sector (sea & inland) define and share a common Vision and a Strategic Research Agenda, driving the necessary innovation efforts forward.

SmartCities and Communities

The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) brings together cities, industry and citizens to improve urban life through more sustainable integrated solutions.

This includes applied innovation, better planning, a more participatory approach, higher energy efficiency, better transport solutions, intelligent use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) etc.


The Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS) provides open-access information on transport research and innovation.

TRIMIS supports the implementation of transport policies of the European Union and at Member States level and helps the development and monitoring of the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA). TRIMIS analyses technology trends and research and innovation capacities in the European transport sector.