Urban Mobility

The ERTRAC Working Group on Urban Mobility gathers experts and representatives of all ERTRAC stakeholders to identify challenges and define priorities for future research activities on urban mobility.

The working group addresses all aspects of the urban mobility system, the vehicle, the infrastructure and services. It works on both, passenger and urban freight transport.

This working group pays a special attention to the integration of the urban mobility system, and to all aspects related to land use and user behaviors.

The last roadmaps published by the WG are the “Urban Mobility Resilience” and “New Urban Mobility Services” roadmaps published in 2021. The WG is also regularly monitoring European projects taking place under its scope and provides input for Horizon Europe annual work programmes.


Integrated Urban Mobility Roadmap with infographic.

Research roadmap on road user behavior.

Research roadmap on the European Bus System of the FutureResearch roadmap on road user behavior.

ERTRAC initiative on land use and transport interactions related research.

ERTRAC Urban Mobility Resilience Roadmap (2021).

ERTRAC New Mobility Services Roadmap (2021).


Karen Vancluysen

Seretary General, POLIS

Prof. Andres Monzon

Transyt, UPM