Long Distance Freight Transport

The LDFT Working Group gathers experts from industry, research centres, universities and national public authorities: they look at the next research and innovation challenges to improve the efficiency of freight transport on the road.

The last version of the “Long Distance Freight Transport” Roadmap was adopted in 2019.

The Working Group has recently been working on several new documents to address key topics:

  • “Decarbonizing Freight Transport with available green energy” was adopted at the beginning of 2024: it looks at the latest trends and at research needs to tackle the challenging implementation of new energies in freight transport. The document calls for a system approach to put together the different parts: energy, vehicle, infrastructure and costumer.
  • “Paving the way for infrastructure and LDFT cooperation” was adopted mid 2024: it calls for cooperation between vehicles and infrastructure in the framework of the twin transition of Decarbonisation and Digitalisation. The development of new infrastructures for energy and information requires a coordination with the development of new vehicles. The context of aging road infrastructure and limited budget capacity makes this cooperation a necessity.

These two documents will contribute to a full update of the LDFT Roadmap.


Long Distance Freight Transport A roadmap for System integration of Road Transport 2019


Isabelle Schnell-Lortet

 Volvo Group

Franziska Schmidt