What is ERTRAC?


The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) is the European Technology Platform (ETP) for Road Transport. ERTRAC is recognized and supported by the European Commission1.

1Some ERTRAC activities are supported by the FUTURE-HORIZON project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101006598

The tasks of ERTRAC


Provide a strategic vision for road transport research and innovation in Europe.


Define strategies and roadmaps to achieve this vision through the definition and update of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and implementation research roadmaps.


Stimulate effective public and private investment in road transport research and innovation.


Contribute to improving coordination between the European, national, regional public and private R&D activities on road transport.


Enhance the networking and clustering of Europe’s research and innovation capacities.


Promote European commitment to Research and technological development, ensuring that Europe remains an attractive region for researchers, and enhancing the global competitiveness of the transport industries.


Support the implementation of Horizon Europe, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation