Andreas Dorda
Vice-Chair from a EU Member State, representing automotive research, nominated by Austria.
Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria.
Andreas Dorda is ERTRAC Vice-Chairman representing the Member States.
Mr. Dorda studied Chemistry at University of Vienna (Master 1987, PhD 1992), with a post Doc at University of California in Berkeley in the field of battery research.
Mr. Dorda made a research career in the industry in France, Switzerland, Argentina and Austria.
Since 1994, he is Deputy Head of Unit “Mobility and Transport Technologies” at the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. Responsible for numerous R&D funding programs for mobility management, transport research and development of transport technologies (“Logistics Austria Plus”, “Austrian Advanced Automotive Technology”).
From 1997-1999, he was responsible for technology foresight & assessment studies for transport technologies at the EU-Institute for Prospective Technological studies (IPTS) in Seville
From 2006-2014, he was Managing Director of the Austrian Agency for Alternative Propulsion Systems, an organization acting like ERTRAC as joint platform for cooperation between industry, research institutions and public authorities in the field of vehicle technology and technology policy.
Mr. Dorda has been over 30 years Austrian representative in many international institutions:
- ERTRAC Plenary and Executive Group,
- Austrian delegate in Horizon Europe-Partnerships 2Zero and BATT4EU,
- Responsible for the Austrian participation in the European Lightweighting Network and the European Green Hydrogen Agenda,
- Austrian Delegate in ERA-NET Transport, Transport Program Committee of EU-R&D-framework programs 4,5,6
- Chairman of national delegates of EU-technology platform BIOFUELS,
- Chairman of EU-Joint Expert Group “Transport & Environment”,
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the EU-Joint Technology Initiative “Fuel Cells & Hydrogen”,
- Co-author of the report of the EU-expert group “Strengthening the role of European Technology Platforms in addressing Europe’s Grand Societal Challenges”,
- Austrian delegate in the R&D-cooperations “Hybrid & Electric Vehicles” and “Advanced Motor Fuels” of the International Energy Agency
- Austrian delegate in the IPHE (International Partnership for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells in the Economy)