Françoise Guaspare
Vice-Chair representing cities and regions, nominated by POLIS.
After having worked at the Île-de-France Region’s Vice-president’s cabinet on transport for 9 years, Françoise Guaspare is in charge of transport/tourism at the permanent representation of the Paris/Île-de-France Region in Brussels since 2008. She is responsible for sustainable and clean mobility, Trans European network of Transport, freight and logistics, urban mobility, Decarbonisation of transport, Transport Research and Innovation. Françoise supports the implementation of several European projects by providing strategic advising. She has always been involved in producing positions in transport policy on behalf of the European Regions. She was a member of various expert groups of the Commission, such as the group established under the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) focusing on financing in the framework of the alternative fuel in Cities or in the TEN T group. She is actually a member of the High-level expert groups of the European Commission on cities in charge of drafting the EU Strategic, Research and Innovation Agenda on Innovating Cities (DG RTD).
She also leads the Transport working group of ERRIN (European regional network on research and innovation) and the local public investments of the POLIS Network.
She works very closely with the European Commission, the EIB in the development of new financial schemes for sustainable urban projects (CEF, EFSI….).
She currently coordinates the S3 Safe and Sustainable Mobility Thematic Platform.