

The ERTRAC National Technology Platforms

ERTRAC is supportive of the development of technology platforms for road transport at national level.

The EU Member States have different capacities and face different needs: developing National Technology Platforms allow national partners to identify their specific research policy and implementation plans for innovative transport solutions. ERTRAC welcomes these activities and promotes the exchange of best practices between them, as well as the coordination with the work done at the European level.

Using the map below, you can get information about National Technology Platforms on Road Transport established within the EU Member States and associated countries. 

Contact: ERTRAC Hungary Secretariat

Ágnes Orsolya KISS

KTI Institute for Transport Sciences Non-Profit Ltd.
H-1119 Budapest, Than Karoly u. 3-5.
Tel: (36 1) 371-5884
Visit the website:

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