04 Nov 2020

Call for membership for new CCAM Association

A new Association is being set up to support the European Partnership on CCAM (Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility) proposed under Horizon Europe. The call for membership is now published, with the goal to gather all stakeholders who commit to contribute to the CCAM Partnership.

Below you will find the key documents:

  • Updated version of the SRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) of the CCAM Partnership, following the feedback received from the European Commission. A new structure has been applied. This document is the basis for all the activities of the Partnership. It is still open for review and improvement.
  • Statutes of the CCAM Association: the goal of this new European association is to gather the stakeholders who commit to contribute to the CCAM Partnership.
  • presentation that summarizes the Statutes, explaining the approach and main principles of the Association.
  • The Membership application form: to be completed to express your willingness to join the Association. Please pay particular attention to the eligibility criteria (art.5.1) and the definition of the categories (art.5.2). The completed application form shall be sent to

An information event will be organised in the coming weeks, to present the new SRIA and collect feedback, and to present the association and reply to questions. An invitation to this event will follow. But we recommend to all to start already now the process to join the Association because such internal process in company/organisation can take time. The objective is to get enough members joining the new Association, so it can start its activities early next year.