ERTRAC celebrated 20 Years of European research collaboration
ERTRAC celebrated 20 Years of European research collaboration.
ERTRAC marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 20th anniversary. The two-day event brought together esteemed participants, speakers, and members of the research community, fostering knowledge sharing and enlightening discussions about innovation for mobility.
ERTRAC expresses its sincere gratitude to the participants for their support to ERTRAC activities and mission to promote European transport research.
Amidst the festive atmosphere, ERTRAC also celebrated an important leadership transition: after 20 years of dedicated service, Josef Affenzeller, our Secretary General, leaves us for a well-deserved retirement. Our community expresses its deepest appreciation for Mr. Affenzeller invaluable contribution, adaptive leadership, and unwavering commitment, which has shaped the platform journey throughout decades.
ERTRAC also gave a farewell to Professor Zissis Samaras, esteemed Vice-Chairman representing universities. Professor Samaras invaluable scientific expertise, dedication, and passion for research have made a lasting impact on ERTRAC activities. The association expresses its deepest thanks for his involvement and wishes him all the best for his retirement.
As ERTRAC reflected on its 20-years journey, the celebration served as a tribute to the collective achievements of researchers and collaborative spirit of its members. The platform remains committed to aim at innovation addressing major societal challenges, and to foster knowledge sharing for the benefit of Europe.