ERTRAC workshop on ICE took place on 2 June
ERTRAC has hold on 2 June a workshop on future research needs for cleaner and more efficient engines. All presentations shown during this workshop are accessible on the ERTRAC website on the following page:
After a scene-setter done by the European Commission, reminding in particular the ongoing legislative work on CO2 emissions reduction, two keynote presentations were done, one by Rémi Cornubert, Partner at Oliver Wyman, about the global situation of powertrains development, and one by Yasuhiro Daisho, Professor at Waseda University, about the collaborative research activities organised in Japan.
In the second part of the workshop, speakers from the industry have presented the results from projects funded by the European Union about Internal Combustion Engines, including extreme downsizing, usage of alternative fuels, for cars, vans, and trucks. Results have been presented and discussed with an audience of experts from the industry, research centres and universities. Impacts in terms of CO2 emission reduction, as well as different pollutants reduction, have also been shown and discussed.
ERTRAC will proceed with a review of its roadmap on Powertrains, both for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, to take into account the recent technology developments and present the current challenges and the necessary further research and development activities.