15 Sep 2015

final Automated Driving roadmap published

The final version of the joint European roadmap on Automated Driving has been released and is available for download on the ERTRAC website. Check the roadmaps page:

This Automated Driving roadmap is the result of a one-year effort of ERTRAC as a European platform to bring together industry representatives, research providers and national authorities. The ERTRAC Task Force of over 80 experts from all Europe has delivered a joint document that is meant as a reference for future actions to deploy automation in road transport. The roadmap includes:

  • Common Objectives achievable thanks to automated driving
  • Common Definitions for the progressive levels of automation and the current and future systems
  • A State of the Art listing the past and currently running European projects
  • An overview of national initiatives in the EU and around the world
  • Key Challenges and Objectives for R&D and deployment activities
  • A set of roadmaps describing the activities needed, from technological research to pilot testing, up to industrialisation, and including the regulatory adaptations.