08 Oct 2014
New ERTRAC Executive Group elected
At the ERTRAC Plenary of 7 October a new Executive Group has been elected to chair ERTRAC.
- Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni, from Valeo, is nominated Acting Chairman.
- Neville Jackson, from Ricardo, is re-elected Vice-Chairman for the research providers.
- Zissis Samaras, from LAT, is re-elected Vice-Chairman for academia.
- Andreas Dorda, from Austria Bmvit, is re-elected Vice-Chairman for Member States (automotive).
- Ruud Smit, from The Netherlands Rijkwaterstaat, is elected Vice Chairman for Member States (infrastructures).
- Nick Lester, from London Councils, is elected Vice-Chairman for Cities and Regions.
CVs of the Executive Group members are available on this page.
Many thanks have been expressed to the members taking their retirement for their many years spent in the guidance of ERTRAC: the 2008-2014 Chairman Wolfgang Steiger (Volkswagen) and the Vice-Chairmen Govert Sweere (Rijkwaterstaat) and Pierre Schmitz (Brussels).