New ERTRAC short paper on “Decarbonizing Long Distance Freight Transport with available and affordable green energy”
Decarbonizing transport requires the availability of sufficient green energy at affordable price. This new short paper by ERTRAC describes R&I actions for speeding-up the implementation of decarbonized long distance freight transport, taking into account the whole ecosystem including infrastructure, energy production, as well as the end users.
The key questions addressed by the paper are:
1. How to speed-up the rate of change that we can execute in the transport sector? Considering a wide array of use cases and a realistic mix of technologies.
2. Which are the building blocks that can be deployed cross-sector – and by that, benefit from an additional scaling factor?
3. Through new operational business models, can we change the carbon intensity of road transport? Coordinated roll-out of technologies, deployment of renewable energy production and distribution, and demand centers, in order to maximize the investment effort.