14 Sep 2017

New European Roadmap Electrification of Road Transport

The European Roadmap on the “Electrification of Road Transport”, published jointly by the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC, EPoSS and ETIP SNET, provides background information and R&D&I roadmaps for the electrification of the different vehicle categories. It has been the major source of recommendations for the projects funded by the European Green Cars Initiative in FP7, followed by the European Green Vehicles Initiative in Horizon 2020. The task of the roadmap is to set the scene, give clear objectives, and list the milestones that require funding or policy action at European level.


This is the 3rd edition of the document, an update of the last publication from 2012. It extends the outlook until 2030, such that it can serve as an input for the strategic discussion about the next Framework Program. 


The full Roadmap can be found in the Publications section.