13 Dec 2023

Safety Paper 2023 adopted by ERTRAC

ERTRAC adopted a new paper on "Safe Road Transport Research Priorities for 2025". The Road Safety working group of ERTRAC has published an update of its Road Safety research roadmap, with a focus on key research areas that are proposed for collaborative research at the European level. Three research topics are highlighted and recommended for the next work programme of Horizon Europe in 2025:

• Safe Human-Technology Interaction in the Coming Decade
• Safety of Bicyclists and Users of other Micro-mobility Devices
• Safety of Users of Small Electric Vehicles

This ERTRAC Safety Paper 2023 also gives an update on the status and current trends of road safety in Europe. And it underlines the need to allocate more R&D efforts to address road safety, as a fundamental societal challenge for Europe.

Read the paper and check the details of the 3 recommended research topics!