29 Apr 2015

Consultation on Automated Driving roadmap open up to 15 May

Still two weeks to contribute to the ERTRAC European roadmap on Automated Driving

The automation of road vehicles has recently gained the attention of media and politics, both in the US and in Europe. As European Technology Platform, ERTRAC has been working on a common European roadmap setting definitions and agreed milestones for the deployment of automated vehicles in Europe.

The automotive industry is investing massively in the progressive automation of cars and trucks, and recently several projects have been launched, at the European level funded by the EU Research programme, and at national level funded by several EU Member States. To keep a common understanding of the development challenges ahead, it was important to gather the key industry actors with the research community and the national ministries involved in these initiatives. With the support of the European Commission services, ERTRAC could set a task force of about 80 experts to prepare such a European roadmap on Automated Driving.

The document contains the following main parts:
- Common definitions
- EU and international situation
- Key challenges and objectives
- Roadmaps of Research and Development

The roadmap is now released for public consultation, and any comments and recommendations can be sent to ERTRAC at

Link to the document

Comments and contributions are welcome up to the 15th of May.

The final roadmap will be released at the ITS World Congress that will take place in October in Bordeaux.