14.11.2024 - 15.11.2024

19th A3PS Conference Eco-Mobility 2024

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The Eco-Mobility 2024: Sustainable Energy Carriers and Innovative Propulsion Systems in a Circular Economy will take place on November 14th and 15th, 2024, at Palais Pálffy in Vienna's city centre.

Eco-Mobility 2024 is a two-day show on competencies and up-to-date developments. Representatives of OEMs and suppliers, energy providers, and R&D institutions, as well as public and funding authorities, report on activities and strategies in their respective fields. The Austrian automotive sector is represented by the A3PS members.

The conference is organised in 4 sessions:

  • Session 1 - Sustainable Energy Carriers,
  • Session 2 – Circular Economy,
  • Session 3 – Advcance Propulsion Systems, and
  • Session 4 – Environmental Impact.

The Conference Committee is composed of the following members:

  • Dr. Michael Nöst, IESTA, Conference Chair
  • Prof. Peter Prenninger, AVL, Chairman of A3PS Board
  • Dr. Andreas Dorda, BMK
  • Prof. Bernhard Brandstätter, Virtual Vehicle Research
  • Dr. Christian Chimani, AIT
  • Dr. Damian Cupid, AIT
  • DI Christian Sandner, Miba
  • Prof. Thomas Lauer, Technische Universität Wien
  • Prof. Werner Sitte, Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Ass.Prof. Alexander Trattner, HyCentA, Technische Universität Graz
  • Dr. Barbara Unterauer, Magna
  • Mag. Anton Werkgartner, Magna

Programme and Organisation:
Dr. Astrid Wolfbeisser, A3PS

An exciting conference programme with many interesting lectures awaits you. The draft programme can be found on the conference Eco-Mobility Website. The registrations will soon open.