ERTRAC, 2Zero and CCAM joint position paper on road transport R&I in Europe
The preparation of the next EU framework programme for Research (FP10) is raising crucial questions about the future of Europe. In this context, ERTRAC together with the Partnerships 2Zero and CCAM have published a joint position paper calling the EU decision-makers to take strong actions to support the research and innovation eco-systems of the road mobility sector.
The two Partnerships, Towards Zero Emission Road Transport (2Zero), and Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), have proven to be effective instruments to address the challenges of Decarbonisation and Automation. Their portfolio of projects delivered concrete impacts and they have been instrumental in fostering research collaboration, a strong added-value of the European innovation eco-system. This must be pursued, supporting joint public and private investments, under the next programme, to continue benefiting from the momentum and multi-stakeholders commitment.
In addition to the two Partnerships, ERTRAC supports the continuation of horizontal transport calls where important research topics addressing other EU policy objectives can be covered e.g. innovation in urban mobility, efficiency of logistics, safety and security in transport, physical infrastructure, preparedness and resilience of the transport system etc.
It is of high importance that the next EU research programme FP10 allocates the appropriate budgets and instruments. Providing the proper means will deliver stronger and faster progress on the important policy objectives of the sector, such as climate neutrality and road safety, bringing concrete impacts to society, and supporting the European industry and economy, which urgently need to preserve their competitiveness. An ambitious research support scheme can ensure that automotive and mobility will remain a strong sector in the future in Europe.
Download the joint position paper to get the full perspective on the challenges and proposals.